Monday, April 12, 2010

Why A Stickshift?

Cause it's drivin' my nuts.

Not much reportage worth passing on these days...the 50-65 hour work weeks continue apace, which is well and truly cutting into this donkey's time at the virtual felt. I've only managed to play one MTT session since my last correspondence, with pretty miserable results not even worth mentioning.

What is worth mentioning is this...back in the long long ago, when my darling Good Doctor Mondo first woke from her coma, and had several months in the hospital still awaiting her, I made to her a promise. She *would* be going to Rockies Opening Day in 2010. The promise was probably really for both of us, after all, we were pretty much powered by nothing but hope at that time. It would be quite a while before she'd even take her first steps, much less contemplate actually going to a ballpark.


It was an adventure, to be sure, given the limited handicap parking at Coors, the fact our seats were on the opposite side of the stadium from said parking, and us being occasionally on edge as to the duration of the Good Doctor's O2 tanks. Well, everything actually went very smoothly -- not to mention the 7-0 spanking our Boys Of Purple put on those Padres. A great great day all around, and now I can promise it will not be the last game she'll see this year.

And this past Friday, by itself, makes everything else we're dealing with...crazy-making long work hours and absences from one another, rigorous physical therapy, all everything else...pretty insignificant in the moment.

Play ball!


lightning36 said...

Fantastic! Nothing like the feeling of rebirth from a new baseball season to get the juices flowing. Good to see that your wife's progress continues. Good luck with your team -- until they play the Cubbies!

smokkee said...

opening day is the shizz. glad u had your significant other there with you to enjoy the W.

SirFWALGMan said...

Looking good Doc Mondo! Glad you guys enjoyed the game.

BWoP said...

Looks like a perfect day!

Josie said...

Hi Doc Mondo! My name is Josie. VERY Josie.

What do I have to do to get you to play Very Josie Poker?