Sunday, October 10, 2010

Little to Post, So Sentences Are Short

Poker? Total meh. I did learn a valuable lesson, though, in my last session. When you're already on mini-tilt because you're sorta not allowed to play the tournies you want (because of time constraints), you're far better off not playing at all. At all.

New rock project coming along....recording to start in a few weeks (as soon as our guitarist can finish up the three records he's engineering for other bands).

Baseball season ended the day the Rockies gave up a five run lead against the damned Dodgers and tanked to losing 13 of their last this point, I don't even care. As long as the Gints and Yankees fail.

Time to start focusing on writing a few CD reviews, once again.

Parties with friends equals reduction in weekend opportunities for pokery goodness.

And, oh yeah, it's now been 90 days since my last cigarette, yo.

Good luck on the felt, ya'll.


lightning36 said...

It sure sucks to be on the outside looking in during the baseball playoffs. : o (

Good luck with the new music opportunities and congrats for staying away from the evil cancer sticks.

How's wifey?

Mondogarage said...

The Good Doctor Mondo's doing quite well in spirits, and still making progress. We don't know the end point, but I am expecting to have some fairly cool news to share about her here sometime in the next 2-3 weeks....